# What's New ## 0.4.0 Misc updating and tidying. - Stopped testing on python 3.7. Test on python 3.8 through 3.11 - Move from setup.cfg to pyproject.toml - Update parsing to treat responses as xml rather than html: adds new dependency on lxml - The legislative website now treats a member's district as as a string rather than an int. Returned dictionaries from functions such as get_active_committe_members, get_sponsors, etc. the district values are now strings as well. - Input arguments were in readable "snake_case" but output dictionaries were formatted with "lower()" -- changed those to snake case to be consistent. - Removed ugly homegrown documentation theme and swapped in pydata_sphinx_theme - Update docs build for changes on readthedocs. ## 0.3.0 * Thanks to [ryansloan](https://github.com/ryansloan) for catching a bug legislation.get_roll_calls now unpacks the returned votes correctly. ## 0.2.0 * Created a release history page in the docs dir * Fixed a bug where get_legislation returned the string "true" or "false" instead of a boolean for the "active" return parameter * Added mypy to the maintenance stack