Source code for waleg

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString, Tag

from wa_leg_api.exceptions import WaLegApiException
from wa_leg_api.make_stubs import snake_case


def detect_array(maybe_array: Tag) -> bool:
    """An array is a tag where all the child tags have the same name"""

    first_subtag = None
    for count, item in enumerate(maybe_array):
        if not isinstance(item, Tag):
        if first_subtag:
            if != first_subtag:
                return False
            first_subtag =
    return True

def unpack_array(array: Tag, keydict: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Any]:
    """Parse section of return where tag == arrayofsomething
    into a list

    array: bs4.Tag
        Section of returned tree to be parsed as an array

        list of items
    answer = []

    for item in array:
        if not isinstance(item, Tag):
        answer.append(unpack_thing(item, keydict)[1])
    return answer

def unpack_struct(struct: Tag, keydict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Parse a tag with children, if tag is not arrayof....

    struct: bs4.Tag
        Section of returned tree to be parsed as a complex type

        The parsed section
    answer = {}
    for item in struct:
        if not isinstance(item, Tag):
        name, content = unpack_thing(item, keydict)
        answer[name] = content
    return answer

def bs4_string_decode(thing: Any) -> Any:
    """Parse a bs4 item to a str or bool type"""
    if type(thing) is NavigableString:
        string = thing.strip()
        string = str(thing)

    # Active flag returned by get_legislation isn't
    # in the schema and doesn't get parsed correctly
    if string == "true":
        return True
    elif string == "false":
        return False
        return string

def unpack_thing(thing: Tag, keydict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
    """Parse a chunk of the returned data

    thing: bs4.Tag
        root node to unpack from

    name: str
        Name of field unpacked
    contents: Any
        - str if it's a single item
        - list if it's an array item
        - dict if it's a more complex return type
    name = snake_case(

    if len(thing.contents) > 1:
        # "votes" returned by legislation.get_roll_calls is also an array
        if detect_array(thing):
            return name, unpack_array(thing, keydict)
            return name, unpack_struct(thing, keydict)
        contents = thing.string
        if contents is None:
            return name, contents

        typecaster = keydict.get(name, bs4_string_decode)
        return name, typecaster(contents)

[docs]def call(service: str, function: str, argdict: Dict[str, Any], keydict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """This is the backend to all the stubs service: str Which service function: str Function request inside service argdict: Dict Arguments to the request keydict: Dict Dictionary of returned keys and functions to cast the key the correct type (if the correct type for key is something other than a string). """ url = f"{WSLSITE}/{service}Service.asmx/{function}" response = requests.get(url, params=argdict) if not response.ok: raise WaLegApiException(response.status_code, response.reason, response.text, argdict) body = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "xml") answer = unpack_struct(body, keydict) return answer
if __name__ == "__main__": from wa_leg_api.sponsor import get_sponsors result = get_sponsors("2019-20")