Source code for make_stubs

Generates python stubs from the Washington State Legislature Schema XML Responses

import re
from typing import IO, Any, Dict, Tuple

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag

NOT_WORKING = ["GetLegislativeBillListFeatureData"]


def snake_case(identifier: str) -> str:
    """Make a JavaScript identifier into a Python one

    identifier: str
        Javascript identifier in CapitalSnakeCase or lowerSnakeCase

    pythid: str
        Python-standard identifier in snake_case
    pythid = re.sub(r"[A-Z]", lambda x: "_" +, identifier)

    if pythid[0] == "_":
        pythid = pythid[1:]

    return pythid

def get_documentation(func: str, xml_defs: BeautifulSoup) -> str:
    """Look in the given wsdl XML contents for the documentation, and if found,
    return it. Otherwise return empty string"""

    for operation in xml_defs.findAll("wsdl:operation"):
        if operation.attrs["name"] == func:
            for docstring in operation.findAll("wsdl:documentation"):
                if docstring.text:
                    return docstring.text.replace("<BR>", "\n")
    return ""

def makearglists(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    Returns the python code for argument declaration and argument passing to
    the function that does the work

    args: dict
        Arg info for function returned by Wash Leg website

    arg_declare: str
        String to paste into argument declaration of stub function
    arg_pass: str
        String to paste into backend call of stub function

    for key in args:
        pytype = args[key]["type"].replace("s:", "").lower()
        if pytype == "string":
            pytype = "str"
        elif pytype == "boolean":
            pytype = "bool"
        args[key]["python_type"] = pytype
        args[key]["python_arg"] = snake_case(key)

    arg_types = [f'{args[key]["python_arg"]}: {args[key]["python_type"]}' for key in args]
    arg_declare = ", ".join(arg_types)

    all_args = ", ".join([f"{key}={args[key]['python_arg']}" for key in args])
    arg_pass = f"argdict: Dict[str,Any] = dict({all_args})"

    return arg_declare, arg_pass

def make_keydict(key_to_type: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    Returns the python code for declaring a dictionary that
    changes the returned strings to their correct types

    key_to_type: dict
        keys are the field names in the returned structure, values
        are the functions to call to cast to correct type

    keydict_declare: str
        String to paste into stub function to create the desired dictionary
    accum = "{"

    for key, val in key_to_type.items():
        # no need to cast str to str
        if val != "str":
            accum += f"'{key}':{val},\n"

    accum += "}"
    return f"keydict : Dict[str,Any] = {accum}"

def make_python_code(
    servicename: str,
    functionname: str,
    docs: str,
    args: Dict[str, Any],
    key_to_type: Dict[str, Any],
    fp: IO[str],
) -> None:
    Generate the stub for a single service request type

    servicename: str
        Which service
    functionname: str
        Which request type
    docs: str
    args: dict
        Argument info returned by Wash Leg XML service
    key_to_type: dict
        How to unpack returned data
    fp: file
        File to paste the stub into
    arg_declare, arg_pass = makearglists(args)
    return_keys = make_keydict(key_to_type)
    helpful_url = f"{servicename.lower()}service.asmx?op={functionname}"

    fp.write("\n\ndef ")
    fp.write(f"({arg_declare}) -> Dict[str,Any]:\n")
    fp.write(f'    """{docs}\n\nSee: {helpful_url}"""\n')
    fp.write(f"    {arg_pass}\n")
    fp.write(f"    {return_keys}\n")
    fp.write(f'    return"{servicename}", "{functionname}", argdict, keydict)\n')

[docs]def make_stub_files(): """Queries the definitions of each service and at and creates python stub files """ for service in SERVICES: fp = open(f"{service.lower()}.py", "w") fp.write("from typing import Dict,Any\n") fp.write("from datetime import datetime # noqa\n") fp.write("from dateutil import parser # noqa\n") fp.write("from wa_leg_api import waleg\n") wsdl = requests.get(f"{service}Service.asmx?WSDL") legxml = BeautifulSoup(wsdl.content, "xml") schema = legxml.find("s:schema") protocols = schema.findAll("s:element", recursive=False) structtypes = schema.findAll("s:complexType", recursive=False) enumtypes = schema.findAll("s:simpleType", recursive=False) def lookup_datatype(type_name): if type_name.startswith("tns:ArrayOf"): type_name = type_name.replace("tns:ArrayOf", "") else: type_name = type_name.replace("tns:", "") for dt in structtypes: if dt.attrs["name"] == type_name: return dt for dt in enumtypes: if dt.attrs["name"] == type_name: return dt if type_name == "AnyType": return None # cannot decode this further raise Exception(f"{type_name} not found") for info in protocols: name = info["name"] if name in NOT_WORKING: continue response_name = name + "Response" docs = get_documentation(name, legxml) if any((not name.startswith("Get"), name.endswith("Response"))): continue args = info.findAll("s:element") arg_dict = {arg.attrs["name"]: arg.attrs for arg in args} for r in protocols: if r["name"] == response_name: response_info = r break else: raise Exception(f"Response {response_name} not found") def update_keydict(typeinfo, acc_dict): type_replace = { "s:int": "int", "s:string": "str", "s:boolean": 'lambda boolstr: (boolstr.lower() == "true")', "s:dateTime": "parser.parse", } attrs = typeinfo.attrs if attrs["type"].startswith("tns:"): nested_info = lookup_datatype(attrs["type"]) if nested_info: if == "complexType": elems = nested_info.findAll("s:element") for el in elems: update_keydict(el, acc_dict) else: for item in nested_info: if not isinstance(item, Tag): continue item_type = item.attrs["base"] acc_dict[snake_case(nested_info.attrs["name"])] = type_replace[item_type] break else: acc_dict[snake_case(attrs["name"])] = type_replace[attrs["type"]] key_to_type = {} returnvals = response_info.findAll("s:element") for val in returnvals: update_keydict(val, key_to_type) make_python_code(service, name, docs, arg_dict, key_to_type, fp) fp.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": make_stub_files()